Excerpt from score


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Six Excerpts from the Opera

These are mp4 movie files displaying a moving full score and playing the computer-generated performance. (Most browsers will play these files, but if you have problems, try downloading the files.)

1. Act 1, Scene 1: "O sea!" Mercédès awaits the return of the ship Pharon, carrying her sailor fiancé, and sings of her love for him.
O sea.mp4  (34MB, 3 min)

2. Act 1, Scene 3: "This is the day." Mercédès  and Dantès sing of their love and look forward to the betrothal party, which is to take place shortly.
This is the day.mp4  (51MB, 6 min)

3. Act 2: "Fourteen years". Dantès sings of his despair, having been unjustly imprisoned for fourteen years. 
Fourteen years.mp4  (40MB, 5 min)

4. Act 3, Scene 1:  Orchestral prelude, followed by "Free! I am a free man!"  Dantès describes his escape from the Château d'If, his acquisition of the treasure of Monte Cristo, and of his desire for revenge on those who had him imprisoned.
Free.mp4   (89MB, 9min)

5. Act 3, Scene 9: "The situation is perfectly simple".  Count Morcerf (Fernand) realises that, now that his deceit over his military exploits has been revealed, his position is hopeless, and kills himself. Monte Cristo appears and intones over the dying man, as he does with each of his victims, the words "Remember Edmond Dantès"
The situation.mp4   (23MB, 3 min)

6. Act 3, Scene 10: "You are not alone, Mercédès ".   Mercédès  and Monte Cristo (Dantès) meet for the last time. They realise that their love can never be rekindled after what has happened, and they part sadly. The Prelude to Act 1 returns briefly, and the opera ends.
You are not alone.mp4   (60MB, 7 min)